Part 1: Update I - The Framing Device So Nice, They Used It Twice
Update I - The Framing Device So Nice, They Used It Twice
♪ BGM: Title Screen - boss.mp3 ♫
Well, here we go again.

♪ BGM: Options - blood003.mid ♫
As a sidenote, I do recommend listening to the music. There's a certain charm that comes with these MIDIs, and I kind of regret not showing off the music in Düsterburg and Vampires Dawn. That might just be personal nostalgia speaking, though. Still, I recommend giving them a listen. Anyway, we kick things off with a list of controls. These are your basic RPG Maker controls, so there's nothing out of the ordinary here.

Now, our next choice is that of difficulty. And I'm afraid that as seems to be more and more the norm with my LPs, I'm going to have to call an audible before we even start. You see, at the end of the Vampires Dawn LP, I held a vote as to which difficulty we want to use, and how we should act in the game (good or evil, basically). The vote ended in favor of good and easy. I liked this, because I figured that translating the game was going to be enough work. However, now that we have an actual translation to work with, I think that I need something to counterbalance that.
As such, we're going to be playing on Hard. Because I've come to realize that what people like most about my LPs is my suffering. However, with this comes an extra caveat: I'm not going to guarantee that we're going to be playing the goody-two-shoes. I'm going to attempt to do that, but I make no promises, primarily because I've heard that the difficulty in this game does not fuck around. So if I have to play dirty, well, that's going to be what it takes. Still, I'm going to have to run up against a brick wall for me to abandon the plan. But enough fussing around about a difficulty we haven't even seen yet, let's move on.

No thanks, we'd like to see the intro.

♪ BGM: Intro - awakening.mid ♫
First off, we get our developer logo with a bat flying across the screen.

We then cut to four people riding horses in a thunderstorm. Who are they? Where are they going? Fucked if I know!

However, the unfamiliarity quickly fades away as we welcome back an old friend: The bloody text that talks about vague, over-arching stuff. In the interest of having less screenshots of the same stuff, I'll transcribe the rest of the text.

I also feel the need to point out that at one point during that scene, the four jump their horses over a gap, and they float in mid-air for over a second before falling back down. Gravity does not work like that. Anyway, the screen fades to black.

We then cut to this strange scene.

The guy with the weird hat uses some sort of magic to really fuck up these guys in robes, and we get more text.

And after the guy with the hat kills everybody...

...we get our first evil laugh of the game! We're off to a flying start!

♪ BGM: Bad Night Story - vamp9.mid ♫
We then cut to a familiar set of characters.

Like in the last game, Grandpa here is going to ask us some questions that set certain options in the game.

This is the "blue with blood frame" option.

This is the "dark blue with plain frame" option.

This is the "grey with blood frame" option.

And this is the "oh my god what the fuck is this" option. Oh, sorry, it's the "red with a fire frame" option. I end up going with the classic, the blue with blood frame option.
After this, Grandpa gives us some options on how we want the dialogue boxes to enter the screen. Growing from small to large, fading in, or coming from the bottom or the left. I pick the "growing from small to large" option because that's the default. I'm not going to make GIFs of those options because let's face it, you're hardly ever going to see these animations. Moving on...

Gotta go fast.

Hm. I distinctly remember forums poster "a cartoon duck", whom I have to refer to like that in order to not make it sound like I'm even more insane than I already am, telling me in no uncertain terms to pick the former option here. Let's go and dig that post up...
a cartoon duck posted:
Related to the difficulty when the game asks you how many fights or whatever you want, I strongly suggest you pick the lowest option. It's been a while but I remember that option not doing what any sane person might expect it to do.
Yeah, that sounds pretty much like a warning. So of course I'm picking "many battles". Because I'm thick. However, this isn't entirely just me being really stupid, but rather being very curious... in a stupid way. "That option not doing what any sane person might expect it to do" translates out to "this is a dumb thing, and it will be very interesting to see the dumb thing" for me.
Of course, the reason I'm so readily jumping into this is that I have the capability to go back and change things thanks to the RPG Maker editor giving me godlike powers over the game. So if things become absolutely unbearable, I can reverse course, and you get to enjoy me ramming into a brick wall head-first in the meantime.

Oh, I already know I'm going to regret this one, too. But if there's some really dumb and complicated puzzle that makes me tear my hair out, I want to see it. And I know you want to see it, too.

No sense in skipping the recap - get some of you that didn't want to re-read the first LP back up to speed a bit quicker.

As a sidenote, I'm going to keep the mistakes I do notice in, just for consistency's sake - like the "thrusted" thing above. If I do correct an error, it will be either because the sentence is incomprehensible without it, or it happened subconsciously in transcribing (this font the game uses does not play nice with my OCR software, sadly).

Oooh, spooky.

And with that, our story begins. I'm going to try and keep updates on the shorter side this time around, so this is as good a time as any to cut. Next time, we'll listen to the story of Nyria, a character that made absolutely no appearance in the first game, but is still related to something from there.
Also, here's the artwork we saw this update in a slightly higher resolution from the game files:

Valnar, looking somewhat more edgy than the last time we saw him.

Asgar, looking 100% less like a dark elf now.

Alaine, having gotten somewhat more pale since the last game.

Vincent Weynard, with a really shit-eating grin.
Oh, and just to mention this right away, don't expect the portraits to look exactly like this artwork either. Our vampires aren't going to look quite as pale as they do here.